Istanbul kart (card) 2022
  • Tourism

Istanbul kart 2022

study time: 4 minutes

last update: 14 June 2022

Istanbul kart 2022

Istanbul Kart, (Istanbul Card) is in essence an all-round public transportation boarding pass.

To immediately answer the question raised in the title: yes it is worth getting one if you plan

to use public transportation multiple times during your stay in Istanbul. So, unless you prefer

to do everything on foot or take a taxi to get around, please do continue reading to find out

where to get it, how to use it, and the advantages it has.

Istanbul kart (card) 2022

What is Istanbul kart 2022 ?

Istanbul kart (card) 2022 or Istanbul transport card is a ticket for an economical tour traveling in Istanbul.

To cut short, it is like a boarding pass for public transportation. Through the Istanbulkart,

you can access the whole chain of public transportation in Istanbul.

Since it is important, you can continue reading to know where to get it and how. Unlike

1-ride, 5-ride, Istanbulkart can be credited as many times as you want and can be used for

more than one people provided that it has enough credits. It looks like a regular credit card

and can therefore easily adjust in your pocket or wallet.

The card was introduced in 2009. It’s a contact less or RFID (Radio-frequency identification)

card for public transportation fare payment. It has the exact same size as a regular credit

card, so it fits perfectly in your wallet. The card is pre-paid and easily rechargeable.


Where to Get an Istanbul kart 2022 ?

The easiest way to get the Istanbul kart (card) 2022 is at major transit stops such as the

airportSultanahmet, and Eminönü. To buy an Istanbul kart (card) 2022 , you need to pay a non-

refundable 21 TL fee (for the actual card and the service), and of course an amount of your

choice to load onto the card.

There are many types of Istanbul cards, but the one most suitable for tourists is the

anonymous (anonim) card, without a picture.

-the Advantages of Istanbul kart 2022

Multi-Purpose — This single card enables you to pay for multiple types of transportation: buses, metros, ferries, funiculars, and tramways.

Pre-Paid — Istanbul kart (card) 2022 is a prepaid and rechargeable card. This means that you don’t have to stand in line (and maybe miss the bus or tram) to get a valid boarding pass every time you plan to make use of public transportation.

Ease of Use — It is not necessary to bring the Istanbul kart (card) 2022 in contact with the reader. You can pay for your fare by ‘waving’ the smart card

within 8 cm (3.1 in) of the reader. In most cases you don’t even have to take it out of your wallet, purse or light hand bag.

Discounts — By using the card, you already benefit from a 40% discount over the normal fare. Instead of paying 5 TL per ride, you pay 3 TL.

The New Covid-19 terms

Due to the pandemic in istanbul, you now have to synonize your HES code to the card. HES

is the shortcut of  Hayat Eve Sigar. There are two ways to get your HES code. (1) To get your

HES code, send an SMS to 2023.The format of the message will be HES (space), Nationality

(space), Passport Serial Number (space), Year of birth (space) Surname. Just remember,

this option is available on Turkish Sim Card Numbers. (2) You can get the code from the

Hayat Eve Sigar Application on IOS and Android.

You usually get the HES code when you fill the country entry form. So if you have it, you can

directly to the website and skip the above process. After you receive the code, visit the

card’s website (English language available). Select the “I am a foreigner, I want to continue

by my passport number” box and follow further procedures.

میانگین امتیازات 5 از 5

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